“Fight Today”

I was inspired to write this song based on some timely words of encouragement a friend (Peter MacNicol) once gave to me; words which entirely changed my perspective and helped equip me to fight both spiritually and mentally. The bridge of the song encapsulates perhaps the most impactful exhortation Peter conveyed to me: that, having the mind of Christ, we know that dark thoughts come not from within us, but from without, and we need not (and must not) allow them residency in our minds.

The first verse draws imagery from the Psalms, while the chorus is a call to battle. The premise is that when you view the entirety of a war, it may seem impossible; you may think, “How can I ever make it through another year?” But if you take each battle one by one, the question becomes not, “Can I make it through the year?” but rather, “Can I make it through one day?” And you can. Before you know it, after making it through just one day, three hundred and sixty-five times, you’ve made it through the year.

So fight today, and let tomorrow worry about itself!

Get the song on iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/album/fight-today-single/1483991137?app=itunes



“Peace Like a River”

I was inspired to write this song as I was praying for a friend of mine, to bring peace and comfort through Christ, but it also applies to my own life. The imagery was largely drawn from Isaiah 66 (and yes, I know that passage has a far deeper meaning pertaining particularly to the Jews of that time period; however, I believe we can draw inspiration from it ourselves as well).

Lyrics are in the video. All music, lyrics, instruments, and vocals are done by me. As always, I know I’m not a Grammy-quality vocalist, but I don’t aspire to be. My only aspiration is to follow my passion, worship my God, and share my journey with others along the way! :-)

To God be all the glory, always and forever and in all things!


Now available on iTunes!


“This Love”

This is a custom song I wrote for one of my supporters (I don’t know if she wants her name listed or not, so I’ll keep it anonymous for now). It was written to illustrate both her love for God and for her husband through all things. But I admit, I can never write a song that I haven’t first felt in my heart, and this song is no exception.

Lyrics are in the video. All music, lyrics, instruments, and vocals are done by me. As always, I know I’m not a Grammy-quality vocalist, but I don’t aspire to be. My only aspiration is to follow my passion, worship my God, and share my journey with others along the way! :-)

To God be all the glory, always and forever and in all things!

[get my new album “Songs from the Heart and Beyond” on iTunes, Amazon, Google, and more! Links are on my website: http://www.K8EMusic.com/store]

Songs from the Heart and Beyond album

Songs from the Heart and Beyond (released 11-12-13) features a selection of real, honest, original music from the heart of the artist, comprised of “dual-purpose” songs with multiple meanings.
50% of all proceeds from album sales are donated to a local Autism cause (CFAII, in Lakeland FL), and 10% are given to ministry (Life Changing International Ministry, in Valrico, FL).

“Music is my passion. It’s the most accurate way I can express what is in my heart. I’ll never write a song that I haven’t first felt. My goal is to make music that others can relate to without compromising my integrity or the heart of the music. I don’t want cookie-cutter pop music that just has a catchy beat and lines that rhyme. Ultimately, above all else, I’ll always give God the glory, because without Him, none of this music would exist — *I* wouldn’t exist” (Katie Woodward).

**SPECIAL OFFER** If you buy the album from any source, and either e-mail me (Katie@K8EMusic.com) or tweet me (@K8EMusic), I’ll give you 5 FREE bonus tracks! That’s a total of 21 songs! :-)

SFTHAB cover

To purchase digital copies of the album on iTunes, Amazon, or Google Music, click the corresponding
logo above. To purchase a physical copy including FIVE bonus tracks, click the “Buy Now” link:

Song previews:

“Open Eyes”

This is another “dual-purpose” song, meaning it’s both spiritual (relating to God) and it could also be interpreted as being about a person or a passion or anything…just whatever the listener chooses to interpret it as. (e.g., opening your eyes and seeing for the first time can be in reference to salvation or to realizing love, or so many other interpretations)

I had to decrease the audio quality a little bit to make the video size smaller, because my current internet connection has been too slow to upload large files. Sorry about that.

Lyrics are in the video. All music, lyrics, instruments, and vocals are done by me. As always, I know I’m not a Grammy-quality vocalist, but I don’t aspire to be; my only aspiration is to follow my passion, worship my God, and share my journey with others along the way ;-)

To God be all the glory, always and forever and in all things :-)

“The Fix”

I wrote this song about faith, redemption, mercy, grace, true surrender, and confession. It’s a pretty straightforward song, kinda more hyped up than a lot of my music, and pretty heavy on the bass (you probably won’t hear all the intricacies of the track if you listen on a low-quality sound system…but I might have gone a little too bass-crazy haha, so maybe it’s okay if you don’t hear all the bass).

Lyrics are in the video (not sure what happened, but somehow the lyrics got out of sync at one part…sorry!). All music, lyrics, instruments, and vocals are done by me. As always, I know I’m not a Grammy-quality vocalist, but I don’t aspire to be. My only aspiration is to follow my passion, worship my God, and share my journey with others along the way ;-)

To God be all the glory, always and forever and in all things! :-)


I’ve been writing a lot of music this week, and I’m finally getting around to recording it. I wrote this one a few days ago. It’s pretty self-explanatory I think, but it can be considered a dual-purpose song (meaning you can interpret it in multiple ways — e.g., relating to a person or relating to God). It’s mainly about the idea of letting go of fear, breaking out of your shell, and letting someone (or people in general) see your true heart. I kept it with just 12-string acoustic guitar and vocals, because I didn’t want other instruments crowding out the emotion.

Lyrics are in the video. All music, instruments, lyrics, and vocals are done by me. And as always, I know I’m not a Grammy-quality vocalist, but that’s not my aspiration. My only aspiration is to follow my passion, worship my God, and share my journey with others along the way ;-)

To God be all the glory, always and forever and in all things!

“This Love Goes On”

This song doesn’t really need much explanation lol. The lyrics are pretty clear, although I’ll admit it is a “dual-purpose” song (open to two interpretations).

When I started writing this one, I started with the guitar riff. I wanted to get back to my focus on guitar with this song, because I’m so passionate about guitar (I’m passionate about music in general, but there’s something different about playing guitar). Honestly, I was tempted to just record the guitar and leave the lyrics out, because I fell so in love with the riff. But that would’ve been boring to anyone listening :-)

Lyrics are in the video. I kept this one simple with just guitar and vocals, to emphasize the guitar and the emotion. Didn’t want it too cluttered. All music, lyrics, instruments, and vocals are done by me. And as always, I know I’m not a Grammy-quality vocalist, but I don’t aspire to be. My only aspiration is to follow my passion, worship my God, and share my journey with others along the way ;-)

To God be all the glory, always and forever and in all things!